In my country, store sells YOU.


The man-eaters and lady-killers over at Street Attack have a pretty cool new project going on: 303Grand. They call it a rotating storefront. Are you a small company launching a new product? Looking for a temporary art space in a high-traffic area? Seeking an avant-garde consumerism-themed wedding location? Done. Got it. Yarp.


Here’s the deal: if you want a retail-style space, but don’t need the long-term investment of a lease, you can rent 303Grand. It’s an 800 sq ft chunk of prime territory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, that you can fill with your crazy crap for anywhere from 1 day to 3 months.


Look how big this is! LOOK AT IT!


They already have a cool line-up of art, film and fashion events going on.


We here are Nerve Action are pretty psyched for Street Attack, and are hankering to place some of our clients in their space for product launches. Creative control of a retail interior without the ball and chain of a lease? We’re frickin’ drooling.